About the video: The video is based on the Multidark Simulations of Galaxy Clusters, which gives a view of the dark-matter distribution in the densest regions in the Universe. The video shows how galaxy clusters form via filaments starting at the early times of the Universe to the present day.
Phase 01
Music Planck 001-004 (slowed)
Phase 02
Following receipt of Ulrike's modeling I decided to sequence these graphics to re-constitute the Universe again. However in this instance I was attempting to work with a model of the Universe in which it is in a state of rotation and therefore susceptible to centrifugal force. In this model all matter and photons occupy a thin layer on the exterior (rather like a soap bubble) - though still billions of light years in thickness. Inside this sphere would be a void deplete of all matter and photons - a true void! This model is projected in modified Mercator mode. Note: these images are colour inverted
Expandable stills below with movie at the end: