apt gallery, 6 creekside, deptford, london se84sa
10th october to 13th october. 12-5pm
pv: friday 11th october. 6-8pm


i-mis'-ibal adj. That which cannot undergo mixing or blending

The title of this exhibition refers to the resistance that material has to the flow of electricity - a conceit that also alludes to the vacuum of space. The exhibition attempts to align this concept to the process of curatorial practice in which each artist also becomes a co-curator. It is our intention is to allow for the progressive migration of art works within the space, as well as the potential for change over two weeks. These trans-locations are intended to alter perception of the works as well as of the gallery space itself. By taking transitory and sequential ownership of the space, the participating artists engage in creating alternative meanings in ways that allow agency.

Through discussions and experiment, the artworks will be moved around the gallery through the use of wheels, skids, tripods, platforms, mobile projections and virtual reality. The structure of the gallery becomes a site of freedom of movement resisting fixed notions of meaning. Interfaces act as membranes in which ideas and archives from online communities can permeate into real and physical manifestations. We intend to address this by accessing open source concepts in the creation of installations and utilize materials harvested from the locality. The aim is to transfer our ideas into this specific location and so relate to the everyday inhabitance of a space. We would like to create an open system in which ideas permeate between the artists and surrounding community.

Immiscibiliti is an exhibition by contemporary artists and structural film makers relating to the theme of reactivity and resistance in the process of creativity. As suggested by the title this can often operate along the boundaries of the miscible and the immiscible; the blending of influences or resistance to those proximities. In effect this exhibition is designed to operate as an intriguing chemical experiment, including artists that on one level share the same influences yet on another inhabit diverse evolutionary paths.


If you have enjoyed your visit please donate what you can :



amy dickson

nicky hamlyn

jamie jenkinson

paul malone

nicola rae

steven scott

alma tischler wood


Curated by Paul Malone and Nicola Rae

Private View at Immiscibiliti (click to expand)

General Views of Immiscibiliti (click to expand)